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Garage Sales & Covid-19


Updated: May 25, 2021

Town of Two Hills Council does not support garage sales. At the Council Meeting on May 11, Town Council discussed the impact of garage sales in Two Hills. Garage sales promote physical closeness and have numerous touch surfaces that can not be adequately sanitized. The Town of Two Hills is unable to ensure garage sales operate safely and is unable to provide resources to ensure they’re effectively monitored. To protect the health and safety of residents, Town Council urges residents to utilize online platforms for buying and selling goods instead of hosting in-person events.

Town Council does not support garage sales and urges residents to become familiar with the Public Health Orders and recommendations from our Public Health Officials. COVID-19 is still very real and we must all do our part to ensure the safety of ourselves and those around us. There will not be repercussions for those who decide to host garage sales in Two Hills.


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