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Health Care
Two Hills is home to a hospital that offers a variety of programs and services, including a 24/7 emergency department.
You can find the hospital at: Two Hills Health Centre
4401 - 53 Ave,
Two Hills, AB T0B 4K0
We are fortunate to have a new medical clinic & community health centre, located at:
Unit #2, 5019 - 51 Street
Two Hills, AB T0B 4K0
They are open Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Please call during office hours to set up appointments or to speak with staff.
We are also fortunate to have a new dental office Smile Quest Dental, located at:
Unit C, 4716 - 50 Street
Two Hills, AB T0B 4K0
Open Wednesday-Friday 8 AM to 4 PM Please call to speak with staff.