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Two Hills has an innovative and growing manufacturing sector serving the agricultural and oil and gas industry, including specialized equipment for the production of heavy oil. A global manufacturer supplying the refuse industry thrives in Two Hills due to its location to all markets. The Town and area boast a number of highly qualified welders undertaking custom steel fabrication and manufacturing. The Town also has over 36.82 acres of industrial sites available for development.
The area around Two Hills is blessed with rich soil and idyllic conditions. Home to a prosperous community of mixed farming operations, the region produces canola, wheat, oats, barely, rye, flax crops and field peas. Located in the center of the County of Two Hills, which had over $138 million in gross farm receipts (201) and livestock/poultry valued at over $77 million (2016), the Town of Two Hills is an excellent choice for agriculture investment.

Oil & Gas
Highway 45 runs east/west through the Town of Two Hills, a main corridor to the oil and gas fields in northeastern Alberta. In addition, Highway 36, a High Load Corridor for major oil development products intersects Highway 45 in Two Hills. Low land costs, excellent infrastructure, an educated labour force and easy access to markets in the oil and gas industry, makes Two Hills an excellent choice to build or expand your business.
Two Hills is located at the junction of Highways 36 and 45 and is only 136 km east of Edmonton. Highway 36 is a major transportation corridor with traffic headed to the Alberta Oils Sands to the north and connects to the U.S. markets in the south. The Two Hills Airport is located two kilometers from town and provides a 2,900 foot runway. CN rail is accessible approximately 30 minutes south on Highway 36.