The Town is looking for 3 volunteers to sit on the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (training will be provided). The Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB) is a quasi-judicial statutory body intended to perform an independent adjudicative function that hears and makes decisions on appeals related to Development, Subdivisions and Stop Orders. The SDAB make finding of fact based on evidence and then, apply legal rules, as found in the legislation and the planning instruments, to those findings. This process allows the SDAB to make a decision on a subdivision or a development matter after conducting a hearing fairly and in accordance with legislation, administrative law, and the principles of natural justice.
· Hears and makes decisions on appeals related to stop orders, development and subdivisions
· Functions in accordance with the Municipal Government Act and Two Hills SDAB Bylaw
· Hears complaints and functions like a legal court
· Examines evidence and applies legal rules to their findings
· Makes decisions after conducting a fair hearing that complies with legislation
· Makes final decisions that cannot be overturned unless an error in some aspect of law or jurisdiction
Please contact the office at 780-657-3395 or via email at info@townoftwohills.com if you're interested!